Online Speech Therapy for Clients of All Ages

Speach Tehrapy for all-2

Welcome To SLP-tele

A Team of Licensed Therapists Providing A Variety of Programs in Numerous Languages
Licensed Speech Therapists For You

SLP-tele is a leading online speech therapy provider for patients of all ages

Providing only licensed speech therapists

Offering a wide array of programs in a variety of languages

Accepting most insurance plans

How It Works

A dedicated team of speech pathologists work face-to-face with children and adults of all ages via our HIPPA compliant online system. Secure, live, and comprehensive, our online sessions include a vast library of therapy activities, tracking tools, and progress monitoring assessments to ensure that every patient is growing as expected. Our online system also provides access to video recorded sessions which can be used for practice at later times at the convenience of patients and their families.


Better outcomes. Online therapy helps children better absorb the lessons and skills being taught to them.

Improved participation. Better scheduling options means families can take advantage of these services.

Kids love it. Children love tech and the online world. Online therapy is a more enjoyable experience where they can participate in fun, game-based activities.

Better communication and reporting. The online system allows for quicker and easier communication between patients and therapists.