Anil Choudhary

Is online speech therapy appropriate for a child with autism

Is online speech therapy appropriate for a child with autism?

The short answer is YES, and here’s why! 

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex development condition with challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. There is a wide range of severity among individuals and the effects of ASD vary greatly among families. ASD is by nature a communication disorder that perplexes many people. Communication is the means with which humans connect with one another. It is the basis of the parent-child bonding experience. When this foundation is broken, it can result in lack of functional communication and atypical behaviors which make everyday living challenging for the average family.

There is no doubt that speech and language therapy is essential to the functioning of individuals with ASD. However, many individuals assume that only in person services would benefit individuals with the condition. However, it is important to note that there are many benefits to providing this service online, since teletherapy affords many opportunities that may be restricted with in person therapy.

By considering the following factors, families can ensure a successful outcome with online speech therapy:

Parent Coaching – By engaging in online speech therapy, caregivers of children with ASD have the opportunity to learn how to engage with their children. The SLP can work closely with the family to develop a plan of care in which the family learns strategies and activities to elicit functional communication. The SLP has the benefit of working with the parent in their natural environment of the home. Also, parents are the child’s primary educators from birth and it benefits the child greatly when their parents are reinforcing the same strategies taught to them by their SLP round the clock.

Sensory Input – Many individuals with autism have a difficult time processing the sensory information they get from their environment. By making adjustments to visual, auditory and tactile cues that the child receives in the environment, the child’s attention span and capacity to learn can improve immensely. Simple adjustments such as adjusting the brightness of the lighting or adjusting the volume to a video can go a long way to improving the quality of an online therapy session.

Use Real Objects – It is a misconception that online therapy can only utilize digital materials. Young children in general, especially children with ASD, will benefit greatly from the use of real objects in their environment. This type of concrete learning lends itself to the development of functional communication during routine activities everyday such as mealtimes. Your child’s SLP can teach you strategies on how to use toys, books, and everyday objects in your home for language expansion.

Movement – Another myth about online therapy is that a child needs to sit and attend in front of the computer for the entire duration of the therapy session. This is completely false as that is not developmentally appropriate for most children. Incorporating movements into a language activity such as singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” while having the child motion and rock their body back and forth during the therapy sessions can simultaneously improve a child’s attention while improving their capacity to learn language. 

In conclusion, online speech therapy is a vehicle through which families can gain access to a skilled SLP who can work with the unique needs of their child with ASD. By providing online speech therapy services in the home, the family can gain valuable insights about how to reinforce strategies in an effective way which in turn can improve communication exponentially.

What to Expect from your Young Child’s Online Speech Session

What to Expect from your Young Child’s Online Speech Session

Young children from birth and up can receive speech and language services through a telepractice model by having the SLP collaborate with parents and caregivers.

When telepractice began gaining momentum over a decade ago, SLPs and clients alike began treading lightly on this new service delivery model. Fifteen years after ASHA published the initial position statement in favor of telepractice as an effective service delivery model, a majority of speech-language pathologists have been thrust into this virtual format overnight. The evidence base for the effectiveness of delivering speech services to young children was just beginning to form in the early days of telepractice. Due to the recent mandate of shelter-in-place, many providers of services to the Early Intervention population have been flexible in allowing telepractice. One of the most popular service delivery models for younger children is parent coaching.

In simple terms, parent coaching is a system of doing therapy in which the therapist will seek input from the family in developing a plan of care for the client. In order to optimize your coaching sessions, your SLP may incorporate the following components into your therapy sessions.

Realistic Expectations – Your therapist will likely have a conversation with you ahead of time to set up realistic expectations about the parent coaching session. It is important to note that there may be an adjustment period for you and your child as there is with any in person therapist. Frustrating sessions during which children may be uncooperative or throw tantrums may happen in telespeech as they do with in person therapy. With consistency and patience, these behaviors should subside as you and your child adjust to the routine.

Parent Feedback – It is very beneficial to dedicate a portion of your session to gather ideas from you as the primary caregiver and educator of your child. You should expect your therapist to ask you questions to guide you in developing a unique therapy plan with activities that will motivate your child. The therapist should also ask for feedback on how your child responded to the homework plan you discussed during previous sessions. This is the time to be honest with your therapist about any concerns or questions and be open to their guidance.

Predictable Routine – A common practice among therapists working with young children is to create predictable routines within a therapy session. There are many ways to create these routines so that children start anticipating a beginning, middle and end to therapy sessions. This structure provides predictability and security which is what young children crave. Your therapist may use a visual schedule to outline what you and your child will be learning during each session. In addition, she may begin and end each session with a predictable song to cue your child and help ease difficult transitions.

Use of Real Objects – Your child learns best with tangible objects from their naturalistic environment. Your SLP will likely have you gather favorite toys and books to use during your sessions. Even everyday objects around the house such as cups, spoons, soap, and towels can be transformed into vehicles for imaginative play and language expansion. Daily rituals such as breakfast, brushing teeth and bedtime routines are wonderful learning opportunities where parents can model language expansion and enjoy time bonding with their children.

As you can see, online speech therapy opens up a world of opportunity for your young child to hone their speech and language skills. By collaborating closely with your SLP, you will develop a successful therapy plan that will guide you as the primary caregiver to reinforce effective communication strategies with your child throughout the week.

-Karin H. Koukeyan, MS, CCC-SLP 

How to Use Everyday Objects to Elicit Language

How to Use Everyday Objects to Elicit Language

Young children have curious minds. Instinctually, they explore their environment like little scientists trying to make sense of their world. Any parent can tell you after the excitement of Christmas morning or a birthday party that they will question their purchases of expensive toys. Most children are more fascinated with the wrapping paper and boxes in which the toys are packaged than the actual toys themselves.

What if all the educational toys for your budding explorer could be found in the cabinets and closets of your home already? What if you could keep your toddler entertained for hours with a few simple items from your kitchen and pantry that won’t cost you a dime? And what’s more, what if these same everyday items could help facilitate your child’s speech and language development?

In this article, we will explore common items in your home that will peak your child’s interest and we will share how you can use these objects to support language development. Your job as a parent is to play the narrator as you model words and phrases for your child. In the beginning, your child will be absorbing all of the language they hear until one day, they speak it spontaneously.

Boxes – Boxes of any shape and size fascinate children. You can have them use these boxes to teach simple concepts such as “in” and “out”. You can have them put their favorite items inside the box and play a game of “peek-a-boo” with your child. The concept of location can be reinforced by asking “where” questions. With a simple, repetitive script such as:

“Where’s the bear?” “There’s the bear!”

You can teach your child the concepts of prepositions and answering wh-questions by using boxes. The possibilities are endless. At first, you will want to model the language for them over and over again. Then after a while, you can pause after you ask the question to see if your child responds. Then, before you know it, your child will be responding to the question spontaneously.

Containers – Why does your child head towards the drawers full of plastic storage containers and insist on emptying it? There is great fun for the young scientist to empty the contents of things whether they be drawers, containers or boxes. Storage containers provide a space for children to place their small favorite toys such as a ball, small toy or snacks. These types of containers have lids and are perfect for teaching the concepts of “open” and “close.” You can also place items in the containers and “shake” them for an instant musical toy. If you don’t have plastic storage containers, you can make your own container out of an empty can of formula or oatmeal.

Plastic Water Bottles – Babies and toddlers are always fascinated by the sights and sounds of half empty water bottles. They crinkle and crunch in your hands. You can shake them like a rattle and teach concepts such as “stop” and “go.”

Paintbrushes and Paper – If you purchase colored construction paper and some brushes from the dollar store, you can give your young child hours of mess-free fun. Your child will be fascinated by the painting they do that disappears. While they are painting you can model words for them such as “You are painting.” You can also reinforce the concepts such as “wet and dry” and comment on the different shapes they paint.

Plastic Cups – Children love playing with plastic cups. They love stacking them and nesting them. You can spend some quality time with your young child on the floor as you take turns building a tower of plastic cups and then knocking them down for fun. You can reinforce the concepts of “tall, up, high, and more” as you build your structure. Then you can say, “Uh oh!” and “They all fell down” as you throw them down.

As you can see the possibilities of using everyday objects in your home to elicit language are endless. You can use your imagination to guide you as you teach your young child language with items found in your home. It is important to note that you are the narrator and will be speaking and modeling much more than your child. Focus on having fun and listen to your child’s language emerge!

-Karin H. Koukeyan, MS, CCC-SLP


How Long Does It Take for Speech Therapy to Work?

It’s human nature for parents – and children alike – to want to see quick results when starting speech therapy. However, it is important for parents and children to remember that everybody is different and learns at their own pace. 

Here at SLP-tele, our online speech therapy providers know exactly how to meet your child’s speech therapy needs in order to help them conquer their goals. For parents and children interested in learning how “fast” it will take for speech therapy to work, they should consider the following. 

Factors that Affect the Length of Time 

1. Parental Involvement

Parents need to be involved in their child’s speech therapy journey the entire time. Children need the support and encouragement that only a parent can provide. This makes the entire learning process that much easier and successful. Additionally, when parents are willing to do “extra” after the sessions are over, the child has a greater chance of retaining what they have learned.

2. Child’s Participation

Although some children tend to be shy when working with a stranger, it is important that they participate in their lessons. Thankfully, our online speech therapists at SLP-tele have the experience and training needed to make sure they get the most out of your child.

With a little bit of encouragement from you, your child will not only happily participate in their speech therapy sessions, but will have a great time doing it.

3. Severity of Your Child’s Speech Disorder 

Children can face a wide variety of speech disorders include articulation disorders to child speech delay/disorders. If there are additional physical ailments, such as a high narrow palate or tongue-tie, then the amount of time needed for the child to overcome their speech challenges will generally increase.

4. The Age of Your Child

If you notice a problem in your child’s speech early on, it is best to begin seeking out professional assistance immediately. The longer you wait to get help, the more rooted the issue can become, which can make the speech pattern or habit harder to break. 

5. Frequency of Independent Practice

The saying is true, “Practice makes perfect.” Independent practice is going to be just as vital as the actual therapy sessions themselves. Here at SLP-tele, we provide families with additional resources that can be used once the therapy session ends, and children, along with parents, will even be able to revisit old lessons to keep practicing.

6. Commitment to Sessions

It’s a simple rule but it makes all the difference in the world. You and your child’s commitment to speech therapy sessions will help you to reach goals that much faster. That includes the frequency of therapy sessions. The more often your child works with our online speech therapist, the sooner you are likely to see results. 

7. Additional Learning or Behavioral Challenges

Additional learning or behavioral challenges need to be taken into consideration when estimating the amount of speech therapy treatment that will be needed. Notifying your speech therapist about any medically documented issues is also important so that they can develop a comprehensive plan that will take these additional challenges into consideration. 

If you have a child that is struggling with their speech don’t hesitate to get help. SLP-tele specializes in online speech therapy and we would be more than happy to help you and your child reach your speech goals. 

Serious little Caucasian boy closing his mouth with hands. Illustrative image for childhood trauma, child traumatic experience. Psychological assistance, children rescue. Silent cry for help. Stutter

One Day At a Time: Tips for Helping Your Child Overcome Their Stuttering

As our little ones begin to grow and become more verbal, you may begin to notice them stammer as they speak. While, on many occasions, it is natural for a toddler or preschooler to have issues pronouncing certain words, there are other instances where parents may be rightfully concerned.

If you have noticed that your child has a bit of difficulty speaking and they tend to hesitate or repeat certain syllables, words, or phrases, then this may be a sign of stuttering. Thankfully, however, there is plenty that can be done in order to improve your child’s speech and communication skills.

And your team at SLP-tele is eager to help. Our southern California speech therapists are ready to deliver the quality treatment and care your little one deserves. Plus, we are able to provide convenient online speech therapy services.

If you are a bit concerned that your child is stuttering, then please consider the following information and tips on how to help them improve their speech skills. 

What is stuttering? And how can I recognize it?

It’s natural for children to occasionally repeat syllables or words once or twice. Children may also hesitate a bit before speaking and use filler words such as “uh,” “er,” and “um”. This type of disfluency often affects children who are just beginning to learn to speak and occurs between the ages of one to five years old. Generally, this type of speech patterns will come and go.
Even if these types of behaviors disappear for several weeks, then return, the child may simply be going through a learning stage.
However, children with stuttering issues are likely to repeat sounds more than twice. The tension and struggle to pronounce words also becomes obvious in the child’s facial muscles, especially around the mouth. Also, the pitch of the voice may rise with repetitions, and occasionally the child will experience a “block” which means there is no airflow or voice for several seconds.
A child with a severe stuttering problem stutters more than 10% of their speech or stutters with a lot of effort and tension, and avoids stuttering by changing words or using extra sounds to get a sentence started.

There is hope though. There’s plenty you can do at home to support your child, and with assistance from SLP-tele, your child can greatly improve their communication skills. 

How Parents Can Help Their Children Improve Their Stuttering

1. Pay attention: Try to increase the time that you give your child your undivided attention and really listen to them. Naturally, however, you won’t want to drop everything every time they speak but actually paying attention to what they say can help them to build confidence in their abilities.

2. Don’t ask too many questions all at once: Asking your children questions is natural, expected, and beneficial for many reasons. But try to resist overwhelming your child with multiple questions all at once. Sometimes, it is more helpful to comment on what your child is saying rather than overwhelming them with questions.

3. Take turns talking: Everyone in your family can help by taking turns when having a family conversation. Children find it easier to talk when there are fewer interruptions.

4. Build up their confidence: Some of the hesitation and stammering can come as a result of their insecurity. When your child is concerned about the way they talk, they may not communicate as well as they would like. Positive words can truly go a long way.

5. Spend some alone time together: Spend a few minutes each day when you can give your child your undivided attention. This means no TV, iPad, or phones. This can be a confidence builder for young children when they have your undivided attention and can help them improve their thought processes and communication abilities.

6. Reduce the pace of your conversations: Don’t rush through your conversation when speaking with your child. You’ll also want to pause a little more frequently to give them the opportunity to respond. Your own relaxed speech will be more effective than any advice such as “slow down” or “try it again slowly.”

7. Reduce the demands they feel: As your child develops more advanced speech and language skills, they will experience many demands. Reducing this amount of “demand” speech (forcing them to have a conversation) can decrease the pressures they experience.

With SLP-tele by your side, your child will greatly improve their stuttering and communication skills. And with us right in the middle of summer, now is the perfect time to start working on this issue. Our online speech therapy services are fun, engaging, and sure to improve your child’s speech.

To get started with our online speech therapy services, contact SLP-tele right now at (877) 757-8353 and schedule an appointment.

little kids swimming in pool underwater.

4 Fun Summer Speech Activities

Summer is nearly here and your child is undoubtedly very excited to finally get a break from school. While it’s good to give our little ones a much-needed rest, we also don’t want them to be affected by the summer brain drain.

At SLP-tele, not only do we provide exceptional child-focused in-home speech therapy, but we also want to provide parents with the support and additional activities they need to keep the learning going all summer long. While kids seem to avoid learning during the summer like they avoid vegetables, there are plenty of summer-themed speech activities that we’re sure your child will absolutely love playing.

Summer Speech Therapy Activities to Give a Try

1. Preparing for the Pool (Listing Activity)

Children love going to the pool to cool off and splash around. An excellent activity to get your child to be active with their speech is to have them list out what you’ll need for your day at the pool (or beach, park, or other place you’ll be visiting.) For example, swimming terms they can use can include swimsuits, swim trunks, floaties, towels, goggles, diving, and lifeguards. Also, on your way to the pool, have your child plan out all the things they want to do there. There’s so much they can do at the pool, so have them explain everything to you in clear, full sentences.

2. At the Pool Activities

A simple activity to play with your child is “Sink or Float.” Take many different types of toys to the pool and use them to play the game. You can have your child describe the toy while letting you know why they think the toy will sink or float. Just as a reminder, most toys will float so make sure to take a couple that will sink, like diving toys.

Because there is likely to be a lot of other children at the pool, this is a great opportunity for your child to interact with others as well. Just remind your child ahead of time that if another child asks them to play, or talks to them, they need to respond appropriately.

For safety reasons, you’ll want to stay close to your child while playing this game – or when spending any time at the pool for that matter.  

3. Beach Activities

Most children enjoy a day at the beach, especially playing with the sand. A fun speech activity to do at the beach is to bury objects for your little one to find. When they find an object, have them describe the object before putting it in their bucket.

Of course, the goal is to find them all, so be sure to bury them within a small area so they can easily be found easily.

Another fun and easy activity to do is building a sandcastle. While building up the castle have them name what they want their sandcastle to have, for instance, a moat, windows, doors, seashells, a bridge, etc.

4. While Traveling In the Car

Whether you’re taking a family vacation or simply driving down to the local community pool, you can play the alphabet game. This simple speech game consists of taking turns using a letter to think of as many words as you can for a specific subject such as animals, foods, restaurants, and the likes.

For instance, you can use a letter such as “C,” to come up with words like cat, cow, crane, etc. Or you can use sounds such as /sh/ to have your child come up with words like shore, shark, shrimp, ship, etc.

There are plenty of additional speech therapy activities that can be played at home during the summer. Want to learn more? Then contact SLP-tele today.

How to Convince Your Child to Get Invested in Speech Therapy

How to Convince Your Child to Get Invested in Speech Therapy

Let’s be honest, when you bring up the idea of speech therapy for the first time to your child, the odds are that more than likely they might be a bit confused or even a little hurt. A young child might not fully comprehend what the word “therapy” means and may see it as something negative. This negative association with the term “therapy” may lead to a child automatically rejecting the idea of help.

Naturally, if a parent does schedule an appointment with a speech therapist, the child might be uneasy, confused – and if they feel forced into it – uncooperative. But without even recognizing it, after a while your child might begin to find it fun and interesting. This especially true with online speech therapy, which offers children a unique and engaging way to learn while participating in fun, game-based activities.

Here at SLP-tele, we often here, “How do we get our child invested in speech therapy?” That’s a great question that we are more than capable of answering. If you are wondering how to get your child interested in speech therapy, then consider the following information.

Getting a Child Invested in Speech Therapy   

To start, online speech therapy can’t be boring.

The speech therapist delivering the treatment needs to understand this crucial element. If the child doesn’t find online speech therapy fun, chances are they won’t connect with the therapist nor the concepts they are being taught. As a therapist, the key is to really get to know the child. This goes beyond understanding what conditions the child is dealing with but also digging in to learn more about the child’s personality and interests including favorite hobbies, sports team, school subjects, etc.

Quality online speech therapists will somehow incorporate this information and tailor sessions in ways that the child will find interesting. A child is more likely to be invested in a “Captain Marvel” or “Los Angeles Lakers” themed session versus a simple worksheet.

Once the child is more intrigued, there’s a higher likelihood that goals will be reached – and at this point – rewards can be earned. Rewards can vary in size and can prove to be an amazing tool for encouraging your child.

Of course, the real reward is the improvement in your child’s speech and language abilities, which can prove to help them tremendously in school. There’s also the benefit of increased confidence, which can aid in providing your child a better quality of life.

A great way to get your child invested is to create weekly challenges for them in which they properly pronounce certain words or phrases they might’ve had trouble saying before. Naturally, the bigger the challenge the “bigger” the reward, such as increased video game time or the opportunity to stay up a little later on the weekend.  

Additional tactics to get your child invested in speech therapy include:

  • Being physically active during speech therapy sessions and at-home practice allows your little one to activate parts of their brain that will help them better retain the information they are receiving. Additionally, they won’t focus so much on the “therapy” part, thus opening them up to the learning experience.
  • After your child’s online speech therapy sessions, do some fun speech and language crafts. They’ll correlate fun with speech therapy and take to the experience much better.
  • Graph your child’s progress so they can see the improvements they are making. Once they hit milestones, you can celebrate with simple rewards such as ice cream.
  • Keep speech therapy “work” to a minimum to begin with. Longer sessions may burn them out and lower their interest in speech therapy.   

Getting a child invested in speech therapy might be tricky at first, but it’s just a matter of changing their perspective and showing them how beneficial it will be in the long run.

If you believe your child could benefit from online speech therapy services, do not hesitate to contact SLP-tele today at 877-757-8353.

Our experienced and caring team of online speech-language therapists can discuss a personalized plan to help your child unlock their full potential.

How to Know If Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

How to Know If Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

It can be difficult as a parent to anticipate your child’s every need, especially as a first-time parent. One area that parents are often confused about is whether or not their child’s speech and language skills are developing normally.

In order to help parents get a better understanding of speech and language milestones, the experienced speech-language therapists at SLP-tele would like to share with you a few insights on what your child should be able to do and say and if they may benefit from online speech therapy services.

Speech Milestones to Watch For

Recognizing the speech and language milestones your child has reached can help you to determine whether or not your child may need speech therapy. If you observe that your child has not reached any of these milestones, it is important to get the support they need.

While you have the right to ultimately decide when the right time is for your child to receive speech therapy services, it is worth noting that any delay in supporting your child can lead to a lifetime of speech and language problems.

Parents should keep an eye out for these speech milestones:

  • 18 Months
    • Your child has about a 10-word vocabulary
    • Is able to identify simple things like animals or toys
    • Can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to simple questions
    • Can follow simple instructions
  • 2 Years Old
    • Is able to identify body parts
    • Can string two or more words together
    • Can identify objects (pictures) in a book
    • Has a vocabulary of 50-200 words
    • Can be understood 50% of the time
  • 3 Years Old
    • 300 to 1,000-word vocabulary
    • Can pronounce consonant sounds
    • Can make a longer sentence
    • Can have a “conversation”
  • 4 Years Old
    • Can use sentences
    • Asks plenty of questions
    • Can tell a short story
    • Can play with other kids using words
    • Can answer ‘how,’ ‘who,’ ‘who many,’ etc. type questions
    • Should be understood 90% of the time
  • 5 Years Old
    • Is learning to read
    • Can give instructions on how to use something
    • Can have a conversation
    • Understands concept of time and make requests based on it

It is highly recommended that you get your child officially evaluated by a speech and language pathologist to determine whether or not they may need speech therapy.

Additional Signs That Your Child May Need Speech Therapy

Alongside speech milestones, there are certain behaviors you may notice that suggest your child may be having difficulty with their speech and language skills, including:

  • Your child should be able to perform simple social interactions including:
    • Responding to parents with smiles and cooing (0 to 3 months)
    • Making sounds and performing small actions with hands (7 to 12 months)
    • Understands and responds to noise and talking (7 to 24 months)
  • Your child has not said their first word by 15 months.
  • You are having some difficulty with understanding what your child is saying.
  • Your child is having difficulty with making consonant sounds such as ‘pa’ or ‘ma’.
  • Other people cannot understand your child by the time they are three years old.
  • Has a speech issue such as stuttering or lisping.
  • Your child has problems with reading or writing.
  • Social interactions with other children seem unusual.

If you intuitively feel, as a parent, that your child is dealing with a condition that is affecting their speech and language skills, then there is a high likelihood that you may be correct.

The Next Steps to Take

If you believe that your child is having speech difficulties, then you should discuss your concerns with your child’s pediatrician. The pediatrician should be able to determine if there is an underlying health condition that may be contributing to the issue.

Some conditions that can affect your child’s communication skills include:

  • Behavioral and mental conditions such as autism can lead to communication problems.
  • Structural abnormalities in the mouth, throat, ears, or nose can affect communication skills.
  • Poor muscle tone in the mouth and tongue (known as hypotonia).

Depending on what your pediatrician suggests, they may determine that further steps should be taken. This should include a standardized assessment by a speech therapist to determine your child’s observable speech and language abilities.

SLP-tele is here for all your online speech therapy needs. We are ready to help improve your child’s life and communication skills.

If you are concerned that your child may be suffering from a speech disorder, do not hesitate to contact SLP-tele today at 877-757-8353.

Our experienced and caring team of online speech-language therapists can discuss a personalized plan to help your child unlock their full potential.

Debunking 7 Online Speech Therapy Myths

Debunking 7 Online Speech Therapy Myths

When you first start thinking about online speech therapy for your child, you are likely to do some research and talk with other parents about their child’s experiences. While word-of-mouth information can be useful in making a decision, you’ll want to be aware of misguided advice that can lead you down the wrong path.

At SLP-tele, we know that you want the best for your child. We also understand that you might have a few questions and concerns when it comes to our online speech therapy services. That’s why we would like to debunk a few of the most common myths about teletherapy.

When you realize how beneficial online speech therapy can be, our certified speech therapists will be ready to deliver compassionate and comprehensive online speech therapy in a familiar and conducive environment – your home.

Myths About Online Speech Therapy

Myth 1: Your Child Really Doesn’t Need It

In certain instances, children will grow out of their speech development or language issues on their own. You might even speak with a parent who experienced this with their own child.

But while this may have occurred in their situation, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same for your child. Don’t assume your child will overcome their language impairment on their own. Seek out help from a professional speech therapy provider and have them evaluated.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Myth 2: Speech Therapy Will Only Treat Stutters and Lisps

In certain instances, children will grow out of their speech development or language issues on their own. You might even speak with a parent who experienced this with their own child.

But while this may have occurred in their situation, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same for your child. Don’t assume your child will overcome their language impairment on their own. Seek out help from a professional speech therapy provider and have them evaluated.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Myth 2: Speech Therapy Will Only Treat Stutters and Lisps

The experienced speech therapists at SLP-tele are able to support children with a wide variety of language or speech-related issues. While it can be easy to assume that speech therapy can only correct stutters and lisps, speech therapists can also help meet the needs of children dealing with apraxia of speech, autism-related speech disorders, and many other challenges.

Myth 3: Online Speech Therapy Won’t Keep Your Child’s Attention

Many parents have concerns that it can be difficult for a speech therapist to work effectively with their child only using a computer or tablet. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Children absolutely love technology and, in fact, many find it easier to engage with a speech therapist online versus in-person.

Additionally, our SLP-tele speech therapists understand how to keep your child engaged throughout the entire session with fun and interactive games.

Myth 4: Children Just Can’t Connect with a Speech Therapist Via Online Therapy

A positive learning environment is one of the most important factors when it comes to connecting with children and online speech therapy can offer that in droves. An online speech therapist will provide visual and verbal positive reinforcement to create a conducive learning environment.

Understandably, face-to-face communication is fundamental to speech and language therapy. This is still possible with online therapy as your child will be able to see their therapist via the tool (e.g. computer or tablet) they are using.

Plus, there’s always the “cool” factor that comes with technology. Children will see their online speech therapist as modern and hip, which will help them make a better personal connection.

Myth 5: In-Person Therapy Is Just Better

While in-person therapy may be good for some patients, teletherapy (online speech therapy) provides a number of benefits that just can’t be matched, including:

  • Online therapy helps children better absorb their lessons and the skills being taught to them.
  • More scheduling options mean children can meet with their online speech therapist at a time that is best for the family.
  • Children love tech and the online world. Online therapy is a more enjoyable experience where they can participate in fun, game-based activities.
  • Parents tend to be happier with the results and services because they love to see the progress being made and all the fun their children are having.
  • The online system allows for quicker and easier communication between patients and therapists.

Myth 6: Online Therapy Means I’ll Have to Buy Expensive Computer Equipment

Thanks to advanced technology, it’s easier than ever for your child to receive online speech therapy. All you need is a computer or tablet with a webcam and microphone – and thankfully most computers come with these built in. Additionally, you’ll need a stable internet connection and a quiet room where your child will be able to work with their therapist each session.

And that’s it!

SLP-tele will also be there to walk you through the setup process and provide ongoing tech support as needed.

Myth 7: Online Speech Therapy Is Too New to Be Effective

If you have never heard of online speech therapy, you might think the technology and services are too new to be beneficial for your child – but no need to worry. SLP-tele speech therapists are educated, certified, and experienced professionals who are more than able to meet your child’s needs.

Don’t let these myths about online speech therapy stop you from changing your child’s life. Contact SLP-tele today to request an appointment.
Young mother teaches a child with a tablet

At-Home Activities: 8 Fantastic Tips to Help Your Child’s Speech and Language Development

At SLP-tele, we believe in the powerful combination of online speech therapy and parental support. When these two factors come together, your child’s potential becomes limitless.

As a parent, it’s important to understand that your child will benefit much from the encouragement and guidance you provide after a speech therapy session has ended. Luckily, there are plenty of fun and engaging activities that the entire family can enjoy together to help your little one’s speech and language development.

At SLP-tele, not only do we provide online speech therapy services, we also provide parents/guardians with additional at-home practices games and video clips to help their child successfully reach their speech therapy goals.

Below we’ve outlined a number of fantastic tips and activities to get the most out speech therapy.

8 Tips for At Home Speech Therapy Practice

1. The Power of Play

The power and value of play in a child’s speech development can never be overlooked. While they are playing with toys and games, take the time to sit with them and model how the toy is used while using an animated voice to highlight its different parts.

2. The Power of Words

Your daily interactions with your child are absolutely important to their growth. Make sure to talk clearly, appropriately model any words they may be having problems with, and use visual cues to help them in their understanding. Clear, simple, and consistent speech is the way to go. Also, make sure to give them some time to respond.

3. Let Your Child Speak For Themselves

Rather than limiting your child’s opportunity to express their needs, provide them the opportunity to speak for themselves. Instead of asking, “Do you want this or that,” let them use their own words to let you know what they want/need.

4. Active Listening

As a parent, it can be very easy to get caught up in the hoopla of the day and not have a full conversation with your child. Instead, show them that you are being an active listener by asking them questions that relate to the conversation they are having with you. Also, make sure to give them the opportunity to talk about things that interest them.

5. Read, Read, and Read Some More

Reading is an essential element of speech and language development. It’s never too early to start reading to your child. Start off with simple books that repeat words and phrases (rhyming is great for speech development). Even reading the same book over and over can help them exercise their language skills.

As they grow, offer them more “challenging” books that require them to answer simple questions that go beyond just yes and no answers. You can also make the readings as dramatic or whimsical as possible. Make loud dramatic sounds to grab their attention.

6. Fun Time with Flash Cards

There are plenty of free flashcards that you can find online or purchase that can provide children with plenty of practice. Focus on flashcards that have sounds they may have difficulty with. To really draw your child in, consider adding some type of reward for getting a certain amount of sounds/words correct. For instance, sugarfree gum can help to strengthen their jaws without causing cavities.

7. Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

Modeling is an important piece of any speech therapy program and parents can get in on the fun by helping their children learn how to properly pronounciate by using a mirror. Choose a few words that are challenging them and demonstrate by moving your mouth slowly as you say the word to say them. Then, let your child speak in front of a mirror so they can see how to move their mouth to make certain sounds.

Get silly and include plenty of onomatopoeias like buzz, moo, roar, and meow.

8. Sing Along

Children love to sing and allowing them to belt out their favorite (parent approved) hits can encourage them to learn new words, practice active listening and memory, and improve their ability to express themselves verbally.

SLP-tele is here for all your online speech therapy needs. We are ready to help improve your child’s communication skills.

If you believe your child could benefit from online speech therapy services, do not hesitate to contact SLP-tele today at 877-757-8353. Our experienced and caring team of online speech-language therapists can discuss a personalized plan to help your child unlock their full potential.